About us

Hi, we are Claudia and Tom and we love backpacking. We like to introduce us to you, so that you have an idea who is writing this site.


  • I was born in the eastern part of Germany in the middle of the 80s. I was very lucky – after the Fall of the Wall we had a lot of great family vacations to Austria, Spain, Greece, Morocco and other countries, although these were typical packaged holidays.
  • While studying I experienced backpacking for the first time when travelling through the Batltic states with some of my friends. From this time I knew how I wanted to travel and experience different countries and cultures in the future.
  • I have a diploma in media management and after finishing my studies with 22 I immediately started to work in the field of PR. After five exciting years dealing with the promotion of adventures and any kind of leisure time activities I knew it was time for a change.
  • Now – since 2013 – I’m working for a marketing and tourism agency that focusses on the promotion of touristic destinations. This way I’m able to combine private passion for travel with my professional work as PR manager. Not a bad choice ;o)
  • I love travelling (with Tom) and all the new experiences we make when away – especially the local food! I always spend months prepearing for a trip, reading books, investigating travel tips and even try to learn the language. This is my passion, this is what I want to spend my time for! And both – Tom and I – we exactly know who of us is the better tourguide on site :)


  • I was born in Germany, but I think of myself as European.
  • As a kid and teenager I grew up with my parents being enthusiastic sailors. Based in The Netherlands we made it even to Dover/England during a summer vacation.
    The preference for an independent travel style comes from these experiences.
  • I have a masters degree in communication science.
  • As Flow Manager / Scrum Master I work with software development teams.  I am very much into creating a modern workspace. The goal is to create a learning company that favors scientific methods and sees it’s employees not as resources but as human beings. I tweed about it @FleaFlickerOn1
  • Star Wars is one of my all time favorite movies. As a teenager I went to the cinema and I am flashed by this experience up to today. Which gives you a good hint how old I am 😉


Verantwortlich für die Inhalte/Responsible for this site:
Claudia Foerster and Tom Zigan

Kontakt am besten über E-Mail/at best via email

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90763 Fürth

+49 151/64842380

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