Should we go or should we stay?

Winter holidays, yeah! But where should we go, now that we are three?

Well, it should be warm! That pushes the destination far south. Even Spain or Greece are only like spring around that time … if your lucky.

The Canary Islands? Great, but far to expensive! 3000 € for one week in a family hotel.

Ok, than Egypt!? Well, warm enough, cheap, but mixed feedbacks and flight operation times that we didn’t want to try with a 20 months old kid.

We paused the idea, but the urge to spend Sylvester not at home grew stronger. On the 26th we decided to visit some friends in Arnhem and than spend a few days in a holiday park in Kamperland (Holland).

We were lucky with the weather. It was cold but didn’t rain. The “swim paradise” was a bit cold for our taste, but K1 enjoyed it very much. The additional playgrounds gave us the opportunity to play him tired. Our bungalow was advertised for 6 people. To us that seems only practical in a summer vacation.

The Dutch seem to be great fans of fireworks. Luckily K1 overslept it all.

We had a nice time! Next time, we make up our minds early. Honestly we can’t wait to have a van of our own and for K1 to be a bit older. Until than … see you in family resorts. ????

Safe travels